Learning Director - Athletics
Beau Hill
559-583-5902 ext. 4818
Athletics Secretary
Lori Welch
559-583-5902 ext. 4819
Sports Schedules
Athletic Links
Coaching Staff
Coaches Online Training
- Keenan SafeSchools
- CIF - Fundamentals of Coaching
- Concussion
- Heat Illness Prevention
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Welcome Bullpup Fans!
We are proud of the contribution our student athletes have made to build a strong sense of community. We expect that all student athletes embrace the tradition of outstanding sportsmanship, citizenship, and fair play. Students are expected to perform at a high level of physical and academic fitness in their sport activity.
Parent support for these standards of excellence is needed to ensure that the proper values are in place for our athletes.
Eligibility is reviewed every six-week grading period. Incoming freshmen are eligible for extracurricular activities for the first six weeks of school, then they must meet the requirements of eligibility. For all others, the eligibility standards are in effect on the 10th calendar day after the end of each grading period or the Monday after report cards are due, whichever comes first.
To meet eligibility requirements, students must maintain all of the following:
- 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) or better
- Cannot have 2 or more F’s in a grading period
- Must meet 90% Attendance Requirement
- Saturday School available for make-up
Students shall not participate in an activity during or after school if, on the day of the activity, they:
have a medical excuse that prevents participation
- are absent any portion of the school day other than for official school business or a valid reason (as decided by the administration)
Students/parents should notify the school of the circumstances. Getting clearance prior to the absence can prevent problems.
No more than six tardies in a six week grading period
- Saturday School available for make-up
- Lunch Detentions can be used for make-up at sites where lunch detention is available
No Suspensions
- Students suspended from school will be ineligible to participate in or attend extracurricular activities while under suspension as well as their next extracurricular activity after a suspension. If no activity is scheduled during the suspension, the ineligibility will be the first activity within five school days of the student’s return. If no activity is scheduled within five days, there will be no ineligibility penalty other than the time missed from school.
- In addition, any student who is suspended in any week of the six week grading period will be ineligible for the following six week grading period.
Students on a Credit Recovery Contract that are not making regular progress on their contract, ie Not attending Zero Hour, After School, or Summer School.
Other Eligibility Rules and Considerations
Academics - A grade change affecting eligibility must have the approval of an administrator. The teacher must complete a Change of Grade form and return it to the Counseling Office within five school days after the grade was initially submitted by the teacher.
Intervention Center - Any student sent to the Intervention Center for discipline reasons during the school day will be ineligible to participate in any type of extracurricular activity for that day.
Additional Athletic Eligibility Rules and Considerations
Alcohol/Drugs - Any student in possession of or using tobacco, alcohol, drugs at school or a school activity while they are engaged in an extracurricular activity:
- May be dropped from the team or activity and will not be allowed to participate in any other sport or activity until that activity is completed.
- Will forfeit all awards and privileges for the sport or activity during which the infraction occurred.
- Will face school discipline, which may include suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion.
- Will be suspended from participation in all activities, which may include the graduation ceremony, for one calendar year.
- Must complete the district Drug & Alcohol Program (DAP)
- May appeal to the Principal for reinstatement after 45 days of actual attendance. The Coach has the right to suspend any athlete using or in possession of any tobacco or electronic cigarettes that can deliver nicotine and non-nicotine vaporized solution products, alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs at any time during the designated season of sport. Athletes are also accountable for CIF policy.
Quitting - If an athlete quits/is dropped from a sport for discipline reasons prior to the end of the season, s/he will not be allowed to participate in another sport until the first team’s season is completed unless the Athletic Director gives permission after consulting with the original coach. The athlete may appeal any decision to the principal.
Restricted Eligibility means transferring athletes will be ineligible to participate in any sport(s) they participated in at the previous school for 12 months from the date of attendance at the new school.
As defined by the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), student-athletes who move with their entire family (“full-family move”) into another attendance area are eligible immediately for interscholastic athletics at the new school of attendance. Should another full-family move take place within 12 calendar months of the first move, the affected student-athlete would become ineligible for participation in interscholastic sports at the new school pending.
Important Links